LGBTQIA+ Information, Resources & Support
LGBTQIA+ youth can best reach their full potential when they are accepted, respected, supported, and valued as members of the school community. To achieve this goal, education and advocacy must be focused on both promoting positive social-emotional and academic development for all youth and, simultaneously, on eliminating discrimination, harassment, and sexuality and gender-based biases.
All youth have equal opportunities to participate in and benefit from educational and mental health services within schools, regardless of sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression.
We support efforts to ensure that our schools are safe and inclusive learning environments for all students, family members, and school staff and respect a person's right to express their gender identity.
Source Credit: National Association of School Psychologists
San Francisco State University's Family Acceptance Program
This program provides information and resources for families on supporting the health and well-being of LGBTQIA+ youth. Please check out the infographs below. Click on the image to view and download.
LGBTQIA+ On-Campus Clubs at Secondary School Sites
- Livermore High School's Pride Club meets at lunch on Tuesdays in Room 308B. Faculty advisor:
- Granada High School's Humans Against Hate meets every other Friday at lunch in Room 308.
Faculty advisor: - Granada High School's Pride Club meets at lunch on Thursdays in Room 208.
Faculty advisor: - East Avenue Middle School's Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) Club meets at lunch on Tuesdays (Room 25) and Thursdays (Room 104).
Faculty advisors: and - Joe Michell TK-8's Gay Straight Alliance for middle school students meets every other Thursday at lunch in Room G201.
Faculty advisor: - Junction Avenue TK-8's Gay Straight Alliance for middle school students meets on Wednesdays at lunch in Room 30.
Faculty advisor:
Resources for Students, Families, & Staff
- LVJUSD's Mental Health Website
- San Francisco State Family Acceptance Program
- Tri-Valley PFLAG
- Livermore Pride
- The Trevor Project
- National Education Association (NEA)
- Gender Spectrum
- Rainbow Community Center
- Trans Student Educational Resources (TSER)
- FAIR Education Act (SB 48) FAQs
- School Success and Opportunity Act (Assembly Bill 1266) FAQs
If you or someone you know needs additional support, please contact: Shari Johnston, LVJUSD Wellness Coordinator ( OR Tracie Christmas, Director of Student Services (
We also encourage you to utilize the LVJUSD Tip Line to report any safety concern to school and/or district administration.
The California Healthy Youth Act requires that...
All instruction and materials in grades K–12 must be inclusive of LGBTQIA+ students. Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, must be inclusive of same-sex relationships. (EC Section 51933[d][5]). Instruction shall affirmatively recognize that people have different sexual orientations and, when discussing or providing examples of relationships and couples, must be inclusive of same-sex relationships. (EC Section 51933[d][5]
). Instruction must also teach students about gender, gender expression, gender identity, and explore the harm of negative gender stereotypes. (EC Section 51933[d][6]
). This means that schools must teach about all sexual orientations and what being LGBTQIA+ means. The California Healthy Youth Act also prohibits sexual health education classes from promoting bias against anyone on the basis of any category protected by EC Section 220, which includes actual or perceived gender and sexual orientation.