Music Department

  • Testimonials

    •Music classes have provided a great balance for my son - he is able to manage academic stress because the music classes are conducted in a relaxed, engaging type environment that promotes and encourages learning and has provided him with excellent instruction in music theory.

         - at home: the sound of music while my son practices- the sound of the clarinet or bass clarinet fills the house- bringing a sense of joy and serenity to the family
         - the concerts throughout the year(s)- these have served as some of the most memorable moments - such amazing performances by all bands - listening to them is proof of what incredible and dedicated and talented music teachers there at lvjusd. 
    ~Music Parent
    •I think 6th graders should continue in music because you're able to become a better player and learn more complex pieces of music. I have also enjoyed meeting new friends and continuing friendships in band. I plan to stay in music through 8th grade and high school because I want to become a better musician. 
    ~Music Student

    •Music is a fun way to develop a balanced brain, which is a key aspect for future success (in college admissions and beyond). Compared to other academics, similar to sports, it reinforces teamwork, and allows you to see/hear your contribution to the greater team.  It provides another opportunity for friendships and comraderies which can extend outside of the classroom, into recess, lunch, and beyond.  Music can raise your mood, get you excited, or make you calm and relaxed. Learning how to appreciate and make music can enrich your lives for your entire life.

    ~Former music student and current parent.