What about....

Frequently Asked Questions

  • •How do I sign up for an accelerated Math class?

    There will be three "challenge" tests offered this year. One on May 18th for current 6/7th MMS students and two dates for current 5th graders, May 25th and June 1st all tests begin at 2:00 pm.    


    •If I wanted to take two electives, can't I just take a zero period class?

    Unfortunatley, no. We do not offer 7/8 PE during zero period due to staffing issues and therefore you only have room for one elective in your six period day. [Core (2), Math, Science, PE and a elective] 

    •Will I get the courses I request?

    Typically, 85% of students get the courses they request. We are limited somewhat by the number of classrooms for specialized courses (such as Art, Woodshop, Etc.) and we have a maximum number of students we can fit into a course, therefore some students may receive their alternate. It is very important that you list both of your alternates in case we need to modify your schedule. If you do not list alternates we will place you in courses we have available.

    •How do I fix my schedule if I change my mind about an elective?

    We hire staff and build our schedule based on the courses you requested, therefore, we may not be able to accommodate changes in elective requests.  If you change your mind about an elective before May 20th, log back in and make your change, you must indicate your new choice. You may not change your course selections after the window closes.

    •When will I get my schedule for next year?

    You will receive your schedule for the 2022-2023 school year in August during "walk-through".

     •Can I request my favorite teacher for my courses?

    You may not make a specific teacher request. Students request courses, but not individual teachers or specific periods of the day.

    •What Math do I sign up for?

    Your Math class is already pre-selected for you in the system.  Mendenhall will be working closely with LVJUSD to determine the best process for getting students into the proper math class.

    •Can I get Woodshop as a 7th grader?  

    Yes, but only for one trimester.  I must select the Spectrum option as my elective, and I will get one trimester of Woodshop, one trimester of Art and one trimester of STEM.   

    •What is the difference between Honors and regular Core?

    The Honors teachers have put together a detailed PDF that will walk you through this choice.  Please look for it on the registration page. 

    •How important is it to take Honors courses?

    It is important to take challenging courses. If you feel that you are not sufficiently challenged by the rigor of a regular course, you should consider an Honors course.  Your current Core teacher can give you their recommendation if you email them.

    •Are there off-campus lunch privileges?

    No, there are no off campus lunch privileges.