Sunset is like no place I have ever been. When you mix together a great group of students with a supportive community and hard-working teachers, you get a GREAT place to go to school! I am so grateful that I get to be the Principal of Sunset Elementary School. I can honestly say, there is no place else I'd rather be than at Sunset Elementary School. Throughout this year, make sure you take some time to soak in all of the amazing activities we host for our students. The Fall Carnival with a new "Haunted House", the Color Run, Outdoor Ed, Malakoff Diggins and so many more. We will make so many new friends, experience so many new and exciting activities, and grow in ways many of us didn't even think were possible.
Let's continue to model the "Sunset Way" and ride the wave of kindness! You will make a difference and you will shine and I trust that all of you will learn to hold on to the values that make you part of the Sunset Ohana!
Without the support of our teachers, support staff, volunteers, and our PTO, this year would not be possible. They provide so many great learning opportunities, organize and prepare amazing activities and help to make this a fun and engaging school.
Thank you Surfer Nation!
Always Remember...Go Sunset, Go Sunset, Gooooo Sunset!