About Livermore High School Athletics:
Livermore High School and the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District (LVJUSD) support student participation in athletics. Participation in athletics is a privilege and students involved in extra-curricular sports activities are expected to maintain a higher standard of academic achievement and behavior than that of the general student body. Therefore, in order to participate in athletics, students shall maintain satisfactory progress toward meeting the academic requirements of the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District and abide by behavior regulations established by Board Policy 6145.
Livermore High School teams are part of the East Bay Athletic League, along with Amador Valley High School, California High School, Carondalet High School, De La Salle, Dublin, Dougherty Valley, Foothill High School, Granada High School, Monte Vista High School, San Ramon Valley High School. Tryouts and formation of teams occur a few weeks prior to a particular season. For more information, contact the Athletic Director.
Livermore High School Athletic Department Staff
Athletic Director: James Petersdorf
Email: jpetersdorf@lvjusd.org
Phone: (925)606-4812 ext 2306
Assistant Athletic Director: Steve Syth
Email: ssyth@lvjusd.org
Phone: (925)606-4812 ext 2470
Administrator in Charge of Athletics: Principal, Roxana Mohammed
Email: rmohammed@lvjusd.org
Phone: (925)606-4812 ext 2317
Unsportsmanlike Behavior:
Are subject to an appropriate penalty at the discretion of the Coach, Athletic Director and/or the Principal, taking into consideration the seriousness of the offense. -
Behavior Regulations:
a. Possession or use of alcohol and/or illegal drugs, vaping or use of vaping products at school or school activities as determined by a school official, shall result in immediate dismissal from the team/activity and ineligibility for participation in other teams/activities for the remainder of the sport/activity season or 30 calendar days within the school year, whichever is longer.
b. Possession or use of tobacco at school or school activities, vaping or use of vaping products, as determined by a school official, shall result in:
(1) Suspension for one contest/event for the first offense as determined by the coach/advisor in cooperation with the principal, and
(2) Dismissal from the team/activity for the second offense.
c. Any participant who is dismissed from an extra/co curricular sport/activity due to an infraction of the behavior regulations listed in this section shall be ineligible for participation in that sport/activity for the remainder of that sport/activity season or for 30 calendar days within the school year, whichever is longer.
d. Suspension from school results in simultaneous suspension from practice or participation for the duration of the suspension.-
Insubordination to any school personnel may result in disciplinary action or dismissal from the team as determined by the principal or designee.
Attendance in all classes on the day of a contest or practice is required in order to be eligible to participate. Exceptions may be granted at the discretion of the Athletic Director.
Travel to and from all extra-curricular activities must be on transportation authorized by the school unless the coach agrees to other arrangements. Students shall not transport other students to or from activities.
Return of all issued equipment/materials and payment for lost equipment/materials is the responsibility of the student and parent. The student shall not participate in another sport until equipment is returned or payment is made.
Quitting a sport without the consent of the coach will result in the student being ineligible for the remainder of the sport or thirty (30) calendar days, whichever is appropriate as determined by the coach.
Additional rules developed and distributed in writing by the coach relating to attendance and punctuality at practice, awards, dress, and behavior/conduct must be followed.
Failure to follow these rules may result in suspension or dismissal from the team. Any participant who is dismissed from a team due to an infraction of the behavior regulations listed in this section shall be ineligible for participation in any sport for the remainder of that season or for thirty (30) calendar days within the school year, whichever is longer.
Letterman Jacket Requirements:
Livermore High School has a process for the distribution of Varsity Letters and Other Jacket items. Freshmen and JV athletes will receive a Certificate of Completion at the completion of the season. First Time Varsity Athletes will receive a Block Letter, Graduation Numbers, and a sport insert. Second time Varsity Athletes will receive an additional insert of the jacket. Three year Varsity athletes will receive a shadow block and an additional insert for jacket. -
The LHS Code of Conduct defines hazing as “engaging in or planning any form of verbal or physical hazing or initiation of other students. Hazing includes, but is not limited to, forcing prolonged physical activity, forcing excessive consumption of any substance, forcing prolonged deprivation of sleep, food, or drink, or any other behavior that recklessly endangers the health or safety of an individual or is likely or intended to cause personal degradation or disgrace for purposes of initiation into any student group.” According to the Code of Conduct, the principal may suspend or recommend expulsion for a student who engages in hazing. -
Violation of Team Rules:
Are subject to an appropriate penalty at the discretion of the Coach, Athletic Director and/or the Principal, taking into consideration the seriousness of the offense
Attendance - Truancy:
Are subject to an appropriate penalty at the discretion of the Coach, Athletic Director and/or the Principal, taking into consideration the seriousness of the offense.
North Coast Section Ejection Policy:
The following rules and minimum penalties are applicable to players as adopted by the NCS Board of Managers on April 21 1995. This policy will be in effect beginning with the 1995-1996 school year, (and will include non-league, league, invitational tournaments/events, post-season: league, section or state playoffs, etc.)-
Ejection of a player from a contest for unsportsmanlike or dangerous conduct.
Penalty: The player shall be ineligible for the next contest (non-league, league, invitational tournament, post-season {league, section or state} playoffs, etc.)
Illegal Participation in the next contest by a player ejected in the previous contest.
Penalty: The contest shall be forfeited and the ineligible player shall be ineligible for the next contest.
Second ejection of a player for unsportsmanlike or dangerous conduct from a contest during one season.
Penalty: The player shall be ineligible for the reminder of the season.
When one or more players leave the bench to begin or participate in an altercation.
Penalty: The player(s) shall be ejected from the contest-in-question and become ineligible for the next contest (non-league, league, invitational tournament, post-season {league, section or state} playoff, etc.)