Parent Rights and Responsibilities
California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE)
Attention: Former LVJUSD Students
The CAHSEE law change allows prior students to receive a high school diploma. Students who previously did not receive a high school diploma between 2004 and 2015 because they didn't pass the California High School Exit Examination (CAHSEE) are now eligible to receive their diploma, following recent changes in the California Education Code.
Senate Bill 172, signed by Governor Brown on October 7, 2015, suspended both the administration of the CAHSEE and the requirement that students completing grade twelve pass the CAHSEE as a condition of receiving a diploma. It also requires school districts to grant a diploma to any student who completed grade twelve and met all other applicable graduation requirements, other than passage of the CAHSEE, beginning in 2003-04 and all subsequent years.
Former LVJUSD students who believe they are eligible to receive a diploma may download the CAHSEE SUSPENSION FORM and include a photo ID with your form. Please bring or mail your completed form with a copy of your photo ID to:
Attn: Student Services/CAHSEE Suspension
685 E. Jack London Blvd.
Livermore, CA 94551
Any additional questions, please contact Student Services at 925-606-3289.