Healthy Kids Survey
During the month of March, students in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11 are asked to participate in the California Healthy Kids Survey (CHKS) which is sponsored by the California Department of Education. Information gathered from these surveys are used to help promote better health and wellness among our students and to improve the school learning environment.
The surveys gather information on:
- developmental supports provided to students
- school connectedness and barriers to learning
- physical activity and nutritional habits
- alcohol, tobacco, and drug use
- school safety
In our district, information gathered from previous surveys has been used to identify needs for additional student services, such as an increase in counselors. We have used the results to qualify for grants that provide mental health education and supports.
Participation in this survey is:
- Voluntary: Students that agree to participate do not have to anwer any questions they do not want to answer and may stop taking the survey at any time.
- Anonymous: No names are recorded or attached to the survey forms or data. The results will be made available for analysis only under strict confidentiality controls.
See below for sample surveys for each grade level, as well as survey reports from the 2017-18 school year.