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Parent Support & Resources

LVJUSD strives to support our special needs families with both information and social-emotional support. 

In addition to the information provided on our website, Tri-Valley SELPA's Parent Handbook is an excellent source of information for parents. It includes detailed information about:

  • parent responsibilities
  • parent and child rights
  • the IEP process
  • disciplinary action and special needs students
  • due process 
  • laws and regulations about special needs

Procedural Safeguards & Parental Rights

The California Department of Education (CDE) website has a summary of Parent Rights. Additional information can be found at:

The CDE maintains a clearinghouse of Procedural Safeguards in a variety of languages. If you wish for a translated copy of your procedural safeguards in a language not available on this page, please contact the Special Education Department at 925-606-3232.

Procedural Safeguards- English
Procedural Safeguards- Spanish


Local Parent Support Groups

Livermore Special Needs Parent Group

The Livermore Special Needs Parent Group is made up of parents/guardians in the Livermore area whose children have various special needs. It was established for parents, by parents.

Contact: Sloane Kraft
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of every month except December, June, & July. Meetings are currently held via Zoom from 7-8pm.
Livermore Special Needs Parent Group Facebook


Early Start Programs

Regional Center of the East Bay

Regional centers are responsible for all children eligible for Early Start (except solely low incidence disabilities).
500 Davis Street, Suite 100
San Leandro, CA 94577
(510) 618-6100

Early Start Program

For infants and toddlers with solely low incidence disabilities (vision, hearing, and severe orthopedic impairments, including any combination of these low incidence disabilities).
Pleasanton Unified School District
4665 Bernal Avenue
Pleasanton, CA 94566
(925) 462-3325 x4810

Special Needs Community Groups

Sunflower Hill

Sunflower Hill is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization working to create a sustainable residential community for individuals with special needs – similar to senior living. Our community would not only support life-long living opportunities, but social, vocational, educational and recreational programs to ensure a full and productive life.
Sunflower Hill Website

Family Resource Navigators of Alamenda County (formerly Family Resouce Network of Alameda County)

The purpose of the Family Resource Network is to support and encourage the positive development of families of children with a disability or special health care need. FRN provides family-friendly information and training to help families access specialized education and health care for their children. FRN also offers parent to parent support from another parent who has 'been there'.
Family Resource Navigators Website

Tri-Valley SELPA CAC (Community Advisory Committee)

The CAC is a group of parents, district staff and community members tasked with informing the SELPA regarding issues important to parents, participating in the development of the Local Plan, facilitating parent involvement with special education in their districts, and assisting with parent training.  District special education directors and the SELPA director are non-voting members of the committee.
Tri-Valley SELPA CAC Website

Down Syndrome Network

The Down Syndrome Connection is passionate and dedicated to encouraging the unlimited potential in children and adults with Down syndrome throughout the San Francisco Bay Area since 1998. Our mission is to empower, inspire and support people with Down syndrome, their families and the community that serves them, while fostering awareness and acceptance in all areas of life.
Down Syndrome Connection of the Bay Area Website

Autism Speaks

Autism Speaks is dedicated to promoting solutions, across the spectrum and throughout the life span, for the needs of individuals with autism and their families through advocacy and support; increasing understanding and acceptance of people with autism spectrum disorder; and advancing research into causes and better interventions for autism spectrum disorder and related conditions.
Autism Speaks Website