Chromebook One-to-One Program
The focus of the Chromebook Program in LVJUSD has been designed to support the District’s commitment to innovation, connecting students to a variety of technological resources, expanding and enhancing learning across all content areas and empowering students. This commitment not only expands student learning within the content areas but also ensures that students are technology users who have the skills needed to thrive in a changing world.
Technology is an essential component of ensuring students are learning 21st Century skills and must be structured so that all students are afforded equal access to the use of appropriate electronic and related equipment. Because technology plays an essential role in the workforce
and in classrooms, all students must be able to use technology-based learning systems and develop information literacy skills. Textbook lessons and homework has given way to an electronic world in which vast knowledge and resources are available to those who have access, and the ability to analyze and utilize them effectively. This is reflected in the use of technology throughout the District and highlighted as a critical skill in the California StateStandards.
Chromebooks are intended for use each school day. Chromebooks will be distributed during selected dates at the beginning of the school year. Each student will receive an AC charger with their Chromebook.Therefore, students are responsible for charging the Chromebook battery before the start of each school day, and bringing their Chromebooks to all of their classes, unless specifically instructed not to do so by their teacher.