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Certificated Timesheet Guidelines

Please be sure to legibly complete all sections of your timesheet in blue or black ink.

  • Use your LEGAL name (as it appears on your Social Security Card) and Employee ID number on your timesheet. If you do not know your Employee ID, it can be found on a prior pay stub or you can contact HR or Payroll.
  • Pay period for timesheet pay is always the 11th through the 10th of the following month.
  • Timesheets for the 1st through the 10th are due by 5pm on the business day after the 10th.
  • Timesheets for the 11th through the end of the month are due by 5pm on the business day after the end of the month.
  • Select the proper timesheet according to the work being performed.
  • Please complete a separate timesheet for each site or pay rate for which you are working (except Certificated Substitutes).
  • For each day that you worked, fill in your start time and your end time rounding the total hours to the nearest 1⁄4 hour.
  • Certificated Substitutes Only- please use the following for sub conversion hours:
    • 3.5 hours = 1/2 day
    • 6.5 hours = 1 day
  • Substitutes Only – please fill in the job number, name of the regular employee for whom you substituted, and the worksite. Have a supervisor sign off for each day that you work.
  • Complete the total hours or days at the bottom of the timesheet.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN YOUR TIMESHEET! An original signature is required in order to pay the timesheet.
  • Follow any site procedures for where and when to turn in your timesheet for approvals.
  • Be sure you know if the site will be turning in your timesheet or if it is your responsibility.
  • If turning in your own timesheets, they can be dropped in the locked box in the lobby of the District Office, or after hours they can be dropped in the secure drop box at the back of the building.
  • For your own back-up, it’s always a good idea to keep a copy of your timesheet.

Certificated Timesheets

Classified Timesheet Guidelines

Please be sure to legibly complete all sections of your timesheet in blue or black ink.

  • Use your LEGAL name (as it appears on your Social Security Card) and Employee ID number on your timesheet. If you do not know your Employee ID, it can be found on a prior pay stub or you can contact HR or Payroll.
  • Pay period for timesheet pay is always the 11th through the 10th of the following month.
  • Timesheets for the 1st through the 10th are due by 5pm on the business day after the 10th.
  • Timesheets for the 11th through the end of the month are due by 5pm on the business day after the end of the month.
  • Select the proper timesheet according to the work being performed.
  • Please complete a separate timesheet for each site or department for which you are working.
  • For each day that you worked, fill in your start time, your lunch times, and your end time. Round the total hoursto the nearest 1⁄4 hour.
  • Substitutes Only – please fill the name of the regular employee for whom you substituted and the confirmation number for the job, or if you filled in for a vacant position please indicate so.
  • Complete the total hours or days at the bottom of the timesheet.
  • PLEASE REMEMBER TO SIGN YOUR TIMESHEET! An original signature is required in order to pay the timesheet.
  • Follow any site procedures for where and when to turn in your timesheet for approvals.
  • Be sure you know if the site will be turning in your timesheet or if it is your responsibility.
  • If turning in your own timesheets, they can be dropped in the locked box in the lobby of the District Office, or after hours they can be dropped in the secure drop box at the back of the building.
  • For your own back-up, it’s always a good idea to keep a copy of your timesheet.

Classified Timesheets