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Forms- Fiscal Services

Banking & Tax Forms

Direct Deposit Authorization Form

Along with the form, you will need to provide a voided check or a document with your name, routing number, and account number from your banking institution.

Federal Tax Withholding (W-4)

You can change your Federal and/ or California tax withholding as often as necessary by submitting a new W4/ DE-4 form(s).
Use the IRS withholding calculator to determine your tax withholding more accurately.

State Tax Withholding Form (DE-4)

You can change your Federal and/or California tax withholding as often as necessary by submitting new W4/DE-4 form(s).

2025 Tax Sheltered Annuity Plan Limits and Information

For a list of all available 403(b) and 457(b) plans and forms, and for more information about participation in these retirement savings plans, please visit Envoy Plan Services.

Parcel Tax Forms

Citizens' Oversignt Committee Application 2024-25

Application for the Citizen's Oversight Committee for the 2024-25 school year.

Parcel Tax Exemption Claim

This form is to be completed by the person aged 65 or older who owns and resides at the property for which the tax exemption is claimed.

Supplemental Security Income Exemption

This form is to be completed by the owner/occupant receiving Supplemental Security Income for a disability.

