Our goal for accountability is to report valid, accurate, clean data to all necessary government entities so that we can respond well to all accountability measures and engage in resources to help our students succeed. We also work to make sure that schools and teachers utilize effective responses to data, since the classroom level is the most important level of access for our students.
Accountability and Assessment comprises much more than state scores and testing. We assess student attendance and behavior and social-emotional health. We engage in the accountability processes of our state (through the Dashboard, for example) while also voluntarily holding ourselves to high standards for student success (through the Scoreboard, for example). Our aim is to be transparent at all levels and to respond to assessment data honestly and effectively.
California State Dashboard
The California Dashboard is the primary way that our state evaluates the effectiveness of districts and schools. It gives a “score” for each district and school in twelve different areas:
Chronic Absenteeism
Suspension Rate
English Learner Progress
Graduation Rate
College/Career Readiness
English Language Arts
Teachers, Instructional Materials, and Facilities
Implementation of Academic Standards
Parent and Family Engagement
Local Climate Survey
Access to a Broad Course of Study
CAASPP and the ELPAC are major measurements within the Dashboard, along with other data such as attendance, suspensions, and number of graduates. The state uses the Dashboard to determine those school systems in need of extra work and help, designating districts as in need of “Differentiated Assistance” and school as in need of “Additional Targeted Support and Improvement.” Results are reported in December of each school year, and these results are always for the previous school year.
LVJUSD Scoreboard
LVJUSD is committed to holding ourselves accountable for the success of our students. One way that we have done that is by prioritizing sets of data for both the district and the school level and reporting out on that data year by year. Like the state Dashboard, each year’s data is on the previous year, although we also do a mid-year update that seeks to establish predictive data.
The District Scoreboard is comprised of 10 data points that we believe are essential for determining the success of students throughout the district. There are also 8 data points for each elementary school, each middle school, and 9 for each high school. These are not the only data points available, but they are the ones we have chosen to determine where our strengths lie, where we need to improve, and how effective our current programs are at increasing student achievement.
Schools report on their data at a board meeting once per year, and the District Scoreboard is reported as part of our annual Assessment Report. The full Scoreboard is updated during each summer as data becomes available.
For access to the 2022-2023 LVJUSD Scoreboard, CLICK HERE.
Local Control and Accountability Plan - LCAP
Under new funding rules outlined in the California 2013-14 Budget Act, school districts are required to adopt Local Control and Accountability Plans (LCAP) that describes the actions, services and expenditures that support student growth. The LCAP clarifies how programs/services will be measurably improved in quantity or quality, proportionate to the increase in funding. It also requires the engagement of parents, staff, students and other educational partners in the building of the LCAP. The LCAP is a three-year plan that was initially adopted by July 1, 2014, and is updated each year. The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District submits its annual LCAP to the California Department of Education by July 1 of each year. The plan details our district's goals and specific steps to accomplishing them, including how we will apply LCFF funding to meet those goals.
For more information on the LVJUSD LCAP, CLICK HERE.