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Peachjar Digital Flyers

Information for Parents & Guardians

Accessing Flyers

We send our flyers directly to your email inbox instead of creating paper flyers that get often got lost in backpacks and overlooked. These eflyers can also be viewed by clicking on the Peachjar button that has been placed on each school’s website homepage. You can also find flyers on our new mobile app by clicking on the Peachjar icon. This “green” initiative will save our schools tons of paper and reduce copy costs by thousands of dollars. On top of that, it is our belief that this paperless delivery of school flyers will ensure important information gets delivered directly to you in a more efficient manner.

No action is required on your part. You will receive a welcome email from “Peachjar” (the service provider) that will include a username and password. The name and password are provided to give you the opportunity to manage your account and flyer delivery preferences, if you choose to. However, you do not need to login to receive or view eflyers.

To ensure smooth delivery of this communication, we suggest you add “” to your email contacts. Note: add “” to your contact list just as written; DO NOT change it to the name of your school When you receive your first eflyer, be sure to click “always display images.”

If you do not receive an email from Peachjar, it could mean your email address is not on file with your school, or there is an error with the address.  Please see your school office to inquire. 

Note: This system is used exclusively for distribution of school-approved flyers. Your email address will not be shared or used for any other purpose. 

Submitting Flyers for Distribution

LVJUSD parent groups and school-related organizations may use Peachjar to distribute flyers, at no cost. Each school’s Peachjar site administrator can upload flyers to the school’s Peachjar account. Please contact that individual if you would like to request uploading privileges.

All flyers must adhere to LVJUSD flyer policies.

Note: If a school will be having an event open to the entire community, schools may send e-flyers to the district office to send to other schools. Send your e-flyer to Sarah DeGroat at with a list of schools you want it sent to, and why it would be beneficial for their families to receive your flyer.

Information for Outside Organizations

LVJUSD cooperates with community groups and non-profit organizations that sponsor activities of an educational/enrichment nature for students by distributing materials electronically via Peachjar.  As part of our efforts to be more environmentally friendly, embrace innovative technology, and maintain fiscal responsibility, we have transitioned from paper to electronic flyer delivery.

Peachjar manages eflyer distribution on behalf of our schools using the latest electronic communication technology.  Once your flyer is posted to the school’s Peachjar site, parents can view your flyer through the logo on the school website.  Additionally, your flyer will be delivered to all parents’ emails as an embedded image, not a link.  This means parents will immediately see your flyer and be able to click through to your website to sign-up.

Peachjar charges a fee for this service (only for those outside organizations with participation fees) that is typically much less than the cost to copy and deliver flyers to each school.  More information on Peachjar’s Service Fees.

All requests for flyer distribution by outside community organizations must first be approved by the Community Engagement Department.  To request flyer approval, follow the steps below.  Once approved, your flyer will be posted online and emailed to all parents/guardians at the school(s) you have selected. (Note: paper flyers from outside organizations will no longer be distributed.)

Steps for Flyer Approval:

  1. IMPORTANT:  Read the LVJUSD Flyer Approval Requirements in the section below.
  2. Visit
  3. Register as an Enrichment Provider (account type)
  4. Upload your flyer for approval – Your flyer is automatically submitted to the District for approval. If approved, your flyer will be delivered to all parents (at the schools selected) and posted on the school’s website.

LVJUSD Flyer Approval Requirements

Flyers to be distributed from an outside organization must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Originate from a non-profit organization with a valid 501 c3 tax ID or tax expempt organization.
  • Support the educational mission of the district, directly benefit the students, or be of intrinsic value to the students or their parents/guardians
  • Not directly conflict with LVJUSD programs (Flyers for Summer programs must not directly conflict with LVJUSD Summer Enrichment Program)
  • Include the following disclaimer (exact wording):  'This event/activity/program (choose one)is not sponsored by the Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District.  Approval to distribute flyers is a community service and does not imply endorsement."
  • Be in PDF format and meet WCAG accessibility requirements
  • Contain the name and contact information of the sponsoring entity

We recommend that you submit flyers in both English and Spanish

Flyers must NOT contain any content or images that:

  • Are lewd, obscene, libelous, or slanderous
  • Incite students to commit unlawful acts, violate school rules, or disrupt the orderly operation of the schools
  • Promote any particular political interest, candidate, party, or ballot measure, unless the candidates or advocates from all sides are provided the opportunity to present their views to the students during school hours or during events schedules pursuant to the Civic Center Act
  • Proselytize or position the District on any side of a controversial issue
  • Discriminate against, attack or denigrate any group on account of gender, race, age, color, religion, ancestry, national origin, disability or other unlawful consideration
  • Promote the use or sale of materials or services that are illegal or inconsistent with school objectives, including, but not limited to, materials or advertisements for tobacco, intoxicants, and movies or products unsuitable for children
  • Solicit funds or services for an organization, with the exception of solicitations authorized in Board policy

Please Note: We reserve the right to decline publication of any flyer request. 

For more information on creating and sending flyers, visit