Parent Club Information Council (PCIC)
What is PCIC?
The Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District's Parent Club Information Council (PCIC) provides a forum for parent leaders and the district superintendent to exchange and share information, ideas and resources. The primary purpose of PCIC is to augment communication between parent clubs, school sites, district staff and the community while moving forward district goals. PCIC is comprised of one parent representative from each school site along with community groups and associations directly related to our schools. Regular attendees from district leadership include our Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services, and Director of Community Engagement. Community partners that attend include The Livermore Public Library, Livermore Valley Education Foundation, ESS Program, Granada Supporters, Pedrozzi Foundation and a school board representative.
Roles & Responsibilities
Each school's parent organization (PTA, PTO, Boosters, etc.) is tasked with finding a representative for PCIC. A representative's term length is one academic calendar year. A representative's role and responsibilities include:
- Attending monthly meetings
- Attending site parent group meetings to recap PCIC discussions
- Meeting with site principals regularly to recap & plan
- Distributing information in a timely manner to the sites parent population and others as deemed appropriate
- Fostering positive communications
- Sharing & implementing ideas
- Encouraging others to join parent groups and participating on behalf of all children in the district
Meetings & Topics
PCIC meetings are held at the LVJUSD Board Room from 12-2pm on the second Tuesday of every month from September to May of each school year.
Meeting structure includes:
- Introductions
- Topic presentation
- "Once Around": Opportunity for representatives to share what is happening at their schools, ask questions, share best practices
- Superintendent's report
Topics from past meetings include:
- Mental Health Resources
- Anti-Vaping Education
- LCAP review
- Parent Engagement Survey
- Special Education
- Community Engagement review
- Summer Reading Program