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Board Committees

The Board reorganizes in December each year. 

Regional & State Committees

Alameda County School Boards Association Executive Board
Staff Lead: Dr. Torie Gibson
Members: All Board Members  
Third Thursday of the month, One-year appointment, Evening meetings

California Interscholastic Federation
Staff Lead: Kelly Manke
Members: Craig Bueno
Alternate: Emily Prusso

California School Boards Association
Staff Lead: Dr. Torie Gibson
Members: All Board Members
Annual meeting in December, Various annual functions

Intergovernmental Committee
Staff Lead/Chair: Dr. Torie Gibson
Members: Craig Bueno & Kristie Wang
Alternate: Emily Prusso
Meets bi-monthly, Morning meetings

LATA School District Liaison Committee
Staff Lead: Tracie Christmas
Member: Yanira Guzmán  
Alternate: Steven Drouin  

Legislative Network/Advocacy
Staff Lead: Dr. Torie Gibson
Members: Federal - Craig Bueno, State - Yanira Guzmán, Local - Kristie Wang
Alternate: Federal - Yanira Guzmán, State - Craig Bueno, Local - Emily Prusso  

Tri-Valley Regional Occupation Program Joint Powers Board
Staff Lead/Chair: Michelle Pechette and Doug D'Amour
Member: Emily Prusso
Alternate: Yanira Guzmán
Two-year appointment, Evening meetings 4 times per year, or when needed

Tri-Valley Special Education Local Plan Area Joint Powers Board
Staff Lead/Chair: Zandra Texeira and Kelly Manke
Member: Kristie Wang
Alternate: Emily Prusso
Two-year appointment, Evening meetings

Tri-Valley Education Collaborative
Staff Lead/Chair: Jason Krolikowski and Michelle Pechette
Member: Steven Drouin
Alternate: Yanira Guzmán
Quarterly meetings, Thursday mornings

Board-Approved District Committees

Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) Advisory
District English Learners Advisory Committee (DELAC)
Staff Chair/Lead: Michelle Pechette & Kayla Wasley

Parcel Tax Citizens' Oversight Committee -
Measure G

Staff Chair/Lead: Kayla Wasley

Citizens' Bond Oversight Committee -
Measure J

Staff Chair/Lead: Kayla Wasley & Kim McNeely

The Superintendent appoints members to these committees:

Parent Club Information Council
Lead: Dr. Torie Gibson  Staff: Michelle Dawson
Member: All Board Members Rotate
Monthly meetings at 12:00 noon

Lead: Tracie Christmas
Members: Kristie Wang
Alternate: Emily Prusso
Monthly meetings, 3rd Thursday at 2:30 p.m. 

Special Programs: Math Task Force
Lead: Jason Krolikowski
Member: Emily Prusso and Steven Drouin
Alternate: All Board Members  
Meets monthly or as needed

Health & Wellness Committee
Lead: Tracie Christmas  Staff: Shari Johnston
Member: Craig Bueno
Alternate: Kristie Wang
Meets monthly or as needed