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By-Trustee Area Election Transition

New Process For Electing LVJUSD Board Trustees

As of October 1, 2024, the LVJUSD Board of Education has approved an initial plan to transition from at-large board elections to by-trustee area board elections starting in 2026. In a by-trustee area election, only voters who live within a given trustee's area can vote for the candidate(s) who resides within that area.

Be Informed! Get Involved!

Members of the public are invited to participate in the three-phase process for this transition by:

  • Attending public meetings to set the criteria for establishing trustee areas
  • Attending public meetings to review draft plans of trustee areas
  • Attending a public meeting where the final plan will be chosen

Why By-Trustee Area Elections?

  • Enhanced Representation:
    Each area within the district will have a dedicated representative, ensuring that diverse voices of the community are reflected on the school board.
  • Increased Accountability:
    Board members will be more directly accountable to the constituents in their specific area, allowing for more focused and localized attention.
  • Greater Engagement:
    With representatives drawn from specific areas, residents may feel more connected and involved in the decision-making process, fostering a stronger sense of community involvement.

We Want to Hear From You!

Current Draft Maps

There are currently seven draft maps that will be considered for feedback and discussion at the November 18th public hearing. The original four drafts (Green, Orange, Purple, and Yellow) were reviewed and discussed at the November 7th public hearing. Out of that discussion, three additional maps have been added (Olive, Maroon, and Tan) for consideration at the November 18th public hearing. Feedback about draft maps can be shared in person at the public hearing or through our online form.

Maps can also be viewed individually or layered on our interactive map.

Interactive Map

A 2026 & 2028 election sequencing schedule is proposed with each draft trustee area map.

Proposed Election Sequencing Schedule


All public hearings will be held in LVJUSD Boardroom at 685 E. Jack London Blvd. 

Date and Time

Meeting Type

October 15 at 7:00 pm Pre-Map Public Hearing #1

Presentation & Video

October 17 at 9:30 am

Pre-Map Public Hearing #2 Presentation & Video
November 7 at 9:30 am Map Consideration Public Hearing #1 Presentation & Video
November 18 at 5:30 pm Map Consideration Public Hearing #2 Presentation
December 17 at 7:00 pm Public Hearing & Adoption of Trustee Area Map Presentation
TBD: Within 60 days of Map Adoption Alameda County Committee Public Hearing Presentation

Video recordings include closed captioning in English and Spanish.


Frequently Asked Questions

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact the superintendent's office with any comments or questions by calling (925) 606-3281 or emailing