Short Term Independent Study Agreement (ISA)
While it is optimal for students to attend school regularly, there are times when family and life events require a student to miss school days. Short-Term Independent Study Agreements (ISA) can provide students with an opportunity to maintain their academic work for short periods of time. Short-term agreement forms are available at your school office.
A Short-Term ISA:-
allows students to obtain their school work prior to their missed days, complete their work during their absence, and return to school without the stress of catching up as well as keeping up with current work.
when completed accurately, does not negatively impact a student’s attendance record, as days missed will be classified as excused absences.
our District to retain critical funding for providing instruction while the student is away.
A student may qualify for a Short-Term ISA if the following conditions are met:
The Short-Term ISA can not occur during the first or last 10 days of instruction of the school year.
The Short-Term ISA is for a time period no less than 3 days and no more than 15 days.
The independent study agreement does not exceed 15 days of short-term independent study for the student for the current school year.
The Short Term ISA is submitted to the school office at least 10 instructional days before the requested start date.