We are EXCITED to bring back our ACE Running Club Program!! Please take a moment to register for Running Club to help us prepare.
Running Club Student Registration: https://forms.
gle/Z1uhXtrzj59sFcfS9 Would you like to help make Running Club a success this year?! We are looking for volunteers to help both on campus and from the comfort of your home.
Sign up today!
2023-24 Running Club Volunteer Form: https://forms.gle/
AzQneYSrsDWCb5HP9 In order to volunteer on a school campus, the Livermore school district has 2 requirements:
- Current Background Check: (Must be done two weeks in advance)
Each year, LVJUSD requires volunteers to update their volunteer information, including background checks.
Please visit the following website for the steps: It could take up to 2 weeks for the results to clear - please complete them ASAP!
livermoreschools.org/site/ Default.aspx?PageID=6202 - Proof of Up to Date TB Test Results: (Must be done 72 hours in advance)
This test can be administered by your healthcare provider and takes 48-72 hours to confirm the results. Once you have the results, you will need to turn them in to the school front office.
To turn in volunteer requirements, please contact: Andrea Peterson <apeterson@lvjusd.org>
Important Dates:
Running Club will meet from September to May.
We meet each week on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 am-8:20 am.
First Day: Tuesday, September 6th
Last Day: Thursday, May 16th
Special Charms will be distributed immediately after Running Club once a month on the following Thursdays: 9/7, 10/5, 11/2, 12/7, 1/11, 2/1, 3/7, 4/11, 5/2
Foot Charms will be distributed during lunch recess once a month on the following Fridays: 10/13, 11/3, 12/8, 1/12, 2/9, 3/15, 4/12, 5/3, last charm pick up TBD
We know that students may lose their QR Code card or charm necklace and we are prepared! We have created a form for you to complete when this happens. Please save this link!
Running Club QR Code Replacement Request: https://forms.gle/