Tri-Valley Teacher Induction Program (TVTIP)

  • We are proud to have a team of coaches who support our teachers as they begin their careers in education. Our TVTIP coaches are Teachers on Special Assignment (TOSA) in the Curriculum Department. They meet regularly with new teachers to support their transition from preliminary to permanent credential status.

    For complete information on TVTIP, please visit the Tri-Valley Teacher Induction Program website.

  • TVTIP is a State of California preliminarily approved teacher induction program. Our program employs coaches who are fully released from the classroom to provide one on one just in time support and job embedded professional development for our new teachers. Coaches guide their candidates through program requirements necessary to earn a California clear credential. The vision of the Tri-Valley Teacher Induction Program is to develop high-quality educators who have a positive impact on the lives of our students for years to come.

    Questions? Contact Alyssa Lopez at or 925-606-3278