Inter-District Transfers
An inter-district transfer enables students to attend school in a district that is not their home district:
- Students who are enrolled in school outside of the LVJUSD and want to attend school in LVJUSD.
- Students who are enrolled in LVJUSD and want to attend a school in another district.
Transferring From Another District to LVJUSD
Note to parents requesting to enter LVJUSD from another District - Do not withdraw your child from their current District until you have received the signed approved form from LVJUSD.
Steps to Completing Inter-District Transfer requests IN to Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District:- Obtain Inter-District transfer form from your resident school District.
- Complete form and attach necessary documentation (as outlined on page 2 of Alameda County request form).
- Submit forms to your resident school District for approval.
- Typically the resident school District will send it to LVJUSD. Depending on the District, they may allow you to hand carry to LVJUSD.
- LVJUSD will review the forms and information, and approve or deny based on the information provided and space availability.
Transferring From LVJUSD to Another District
A parent or legal guardian of a Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District student may request an Inter-District Transfer for their student to attend another District.
Steps for completing Inter-District transfer requests OUT of Livermore Valley Joint Unified School District:- Obtain Inter-District Transfer Form in English or in Spanish or paper copies from the District office.
- Complete form and attach necessary documentation (as outlined on page 2 of Alameda Co request form).
- Submit transfer form and information to LVJUSD for approval.
- LVJUSD will process the Inter-District transfer form and send the transfer to the requested District. All requests are sent from LVJUSD to the requested District.
- The requested District will then notify you of their decision.
Inter-District Transfer Links
Inter-District Transfer Request
Inter-District Transfer Request-SpanishIf you have any questions, please email your request to
BP 5117-Interdistrict Attendance
AR 5117-Interdistrict Attendance