Intra-District Transfers
Before requesting an intra-district transfer, please read the following:
- Students are assigned to their home school at the start of elementary (grades TK-5), middle (grades 6-8), and high school (grades 9-12). The intra-district transfer process allows students to attend a school other than their home school, provided space is available.
- TK placement is not a home school assignment and does not give priority for kindergarten placement. A kindergartner who wishes to attend the site of their TK attendance must complete an intra-district transfer at the time of kindergarten enrollment if that site is not their home school (based upon the current street assignment guide)
- Once a student (K-12) has been granted a transfer to a particular school, they do not need to reapply for a transfer each year to continue their attendance, as the new school becomes their home school. For example, if a student receives a transfer to an elementary school for kindergarten, they will remain enrolled at that school until they transition to the next school level (likely 5th grade and 8th grade).
- A new transfer request will need to be submitted for middle school and high school in the event that the student wants to attend a school that is not their home school.
- Students with an IEP should submit an intra-district transfer request and work with their IEP team to determine placement.
Enrollment procedures will be conducted in compliance with District Board Policy 5116.1. All requests received within the submission window will be treated equally. There is not a first-come, first-served advantage.
To request an intra-district transfer for the 2024-25 school year, please contact your school site.
2024-25 Intra-District Transfer Timeline
January 8 - March 1
- Priority application period for Intra-District Transfers.
- Notification of placement or waitlist status for 9-12 shall be received by the third week of March, including requests for students with IEP's.
- Notification of placement or waitlist status for TK-8 shall be received by the second week of May, including requests for students with IEP's.
March 2 - through the 24/25 school year
Applications received during this time will be processed on a space availability basis.