• Upcoming Events

Association Meetings 2024-2025

  • All Mendenhall parents, students and staff are welcome and encouraged to attend our bi-monthly PTSA Association meetings. Learn about what our Executive Board is working on, as well as hear about important topics from our featured Guest Speaker. Meetings begin at 6:30 p.m. and are held in our school library.

    We'd love to see you at one (or all!) of the Association Meetings below:

    September 18
    November 20
    January 15
    March 19
    May 21

PTSA-Sponsored Events

  • Throughout the year, PTSA sponsors a variety of activities and events, such as fundraisers to supplement school programs and social events to help build our school community.

    Our full calendar of events for the 2024-2025 school year is in the works and will be published soon. In the meantime, be sure to subscribe to Principal Taylor's Mustang Message and follow us on Facebook and Instagram for all the latest information on upcoming events. 

  • Interested in Volunteering?

    It truly takes a village, and we are always in need of assistance with fundraising, staff luncheons and social events. If you've got a talent to share and are able to lend a hand, please contact us at mendenhallptsa@gmail.com.